Why we’re not all on the autism spectrum

Brilliant explanation as to why we’re not “all on the autism spectrum”. 🌸

Autism & Oughtisms

48:365 World Autism Awareness Day

I just read a post under the irritating title of “Why we’re all on the Autism Spectrum.” I went in expecting something a lot worse than what I found: I thought I was going to encounter someone trying to claim we’re all actually on the autism spectrum to some extent. The post came close to such a claim, but just managed to swerve away from such an extreme view, by rewriting the spectrum to apply to all of humanity – that all people are on a spectrum just like other spectrums (their example being sexuality). In making the claim in this manner, the poster makes a break from the actual meaning of the autism spectrum, allowing her to then make the otherwise factually incorrect claim that we’re all really on the spectrum. But that subtle shift, and the title of the post, are still going to mislead and…

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One thought on “Why we’re not all on the autism spectrum

  1. I am 65 years old and after watching Channel 4 – Are You Autistic – I understood my life and why it’s been how it’s been; so I took three online tests – one said “Extremely Likely” a second said “96% likely” and a much more complex one that I paid for said “over 90% chance”…. I have learnt to negotiate life pretty well and I’ll continue to do so, so I do not need to have a formal diagnosis and it really won’t change anything for me; but I would like to be able to talk to others in my situation. Is there anything out there that would facilitate this?


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